If you happen to be in Brussels, Belgium this Saturday June 6, 2015, this is not to be missed...
Saturday 06.06.2015 | 8PM
BOZAR | Ravensteinstraat 23 | 1000 Brussels
In the fantastic and poetic gem PARIS QUI DORT, a few people wander through a deserted city, put to sleep by a mysterious ray. This film by René Clair from 1923 will be accompanied by live music from Miaux, the electronic and melancholic project of Antwerp based musician Mia Prce. The screening will be preceded by three rare and precious works: ACCENT GRAVE ON ANANAS, a colourful film poem by Tamara Henderson, featuring an enigmatic and funny object & fruit choreography; KRIK, shot by Ivko Šešić among the lions of the Belgrade Zoo, built in a medieval fortress; and TWIST TWIST, where the shimmering light on the surface of the sea is rocked hard by Ante Verzotti.
On the occasion of this evening, the Antwerp label Ultra Eczema publishes a tape with the music composed by Miaux for PARIS QUI DORT: ABOVE THE HIGH RAYS.
ACCENT GRAVE ON ANANAS - Tamara Henderson (US/CA, 2013, 16mm, loop, 3’, sound: Dan Riley).
KRIK - Ivko Šešić (YU, 1978, 16mm, 9’, music: S. Habić).
TWIST TWIST - Ante Verzotti (YU, 1962, 16mm, 3')
PARIS QUI DORT - René Clair (FR, 1923, 16mm, 34’, silent film) & Live Soundtrack: Miaux.